Das MUN Preparation Weekend
Wie jedes Jahr gab es auch dieses Mal ein MUN Preparation Weekend vor der nächsten MUNOL-Konferenz. Es fand vom 8.11. bis zum 10.11. statt und gab vielen Schülern die Möglichkeit, ähnlich wie im Debating Club, über Resolutionen zu debattieren. Jeder konnte während dieser drei Tage teilnehmen, ob als Delegate oder Chair. Die Schüler, welche sich als Chair beworben hatten, nutzten die Zeit ebenfalls um zu üben, da die Bewerber in zweier Paaren die Debatten leiteten. Nachdem über eine Resolution abgestimmt wurde, wechselten die Chair-Paare, sodass andere Bewerber die Chance hatten, von den Secretaries-General evaluiert zu werden. Alle Delegates oder Chairs, die zwei der drei Tage anwesend waren und fleißig mitgearbeitet haben, erhielten ein Zertifikat.

The goal of the event
The MUN Preparation Weekend is very useful as it can help to prepare students for MUN conferences such as MUNOL. Whether they applied to be Student Officers or they want to practice their debating skills as Delegates, the MUNPW is a great way of gaining experience and an idea of what MUN’s are about. The fact that the event lasts three days helps the participants to really get into it and gives them time to do research.

The MUNPW’s schedule
This year the event started on Friday the 8th at 5 PM and ended in the evening around 8 PM. On Saturday and on Sunday the debates started around 9 AM and on Saturday they ended at 6.30 PM. On Sunday the 11th the last debates ended at 4 PM, a little earlier so that the participants still had some time at home before school started again on Monday. The debates were only interrupted by short breaks, so that the participants could eat something or talk to each other. The whole weekend was filled with compelling speeches, interesting amendments and most importantly: lots of fun.
The debates
There was no lobbying process, as the resolutions were provided by the MUNPW’s organizing team. The resolutions ranged about various topics from numerous Forums which gave everyone the opportunity to represent multiple different countries during the debates and explore their different political views. This also presented a bit of a challenge but the participants all worked hard to have qualified opinions and bring forward good points. After each resolution the Chairs changed spots with two other participants and joined the debate for the following resolutions as Delegates. This allowed everyone to get a little bit of practice and also to get evaluated by the Secretaries-General, who were present during the weekend and followed the debates. The participants who took part in the MUNPW for at least two days received a certificate for their participation but every single one who came during those three days showed a lot of dedication and helped to make this a great weekend.

Text und Fotos: Franka