MUNOL 2019 – A report in English
This year’s Model United Nations Of Lübeck started on 20th May and ended on 25th May. The conference theme was “The change of trade and development in the 21st century – are we getting ready for the future?” During the week 350 students from 13 different countries from all over the world came together to talk about this topic and create resolutions combating the issues supplied by the Chairs of their Committees.
On 20th May the Delegates went to the registration desk in the TMS and were later welcomed in the Town Hall by Lübeck´s mayor Jan Lindenau. Afterwards everyone got to know each other during the Committee Evening.
The conference officially started on 21st May. The Openings began at 9 am and took place in the MUK. Multiple guest speakers, the Secretary General, the President of the General Assembly and the Ambassadors of the different countries delivered interesting and often also very entertaining speeches. They talked about MUNOL and the positions of the countries concerning the conference theme. Everyone enjoyed the opening ceremony and was ready to face an interesting week full of work and fun. After arriving at school students split up and joined their respective Committee. Most of the Committees spent the rest of the day with lobbying while the Historical Security Council and the Security Council were already debating. The sessions were only interrupted by the informative speeches of the guest speakers and lunch break. At 6 pm the first day of MUNOL ended and everyone went home. Even though it was raining many delegates and hosts had a good time at the Strandsalon that evening, either dancing or just sitting and talking.
On Wednesday the Committees started their sessions at 9 am and this time all of them were debating the resolutions written the day before. After eight hours of debating important topics and listening to guest speakers the Delegates had a Committee Movie Evening at the Cinestar. They watched a movie and afterwards many Delegates explored the city.
On Thursday the forums started their sessions at 9 am and finished at 5 pm like the day before. Afterwards the Delegates had a free evening. They were able to enjoy some time with their hosts or with their friends in Lübeck to either go into the city and go sightseeing or do something else.
On Friday some of the Delegates met in plenary sessions (the ECOSOC and the General Assembly) to debate their resolutions together, while the SCT and the Councils stayed the same. Because there were more opinions and ideas the results were different and there was a lot more debate concerning the resolutions and the amendments. After another successful day of debating the Delegates returned home with their hosts to get ready for the last evening get-together at the Cargo Boat. This time it wasn’t raining and everyone had a lot of fun.
On Saturday, 25th May the Delegates met, as usual, at 9 am, some in bigger and some in smaller groups, to discuss their resolutions for the last time. On this day the debates only lasted until roughly 2 pm. Everyone left their Committees to take one of the bus shuttles to the official Closing Ceremonies which started at 3 pm. The experienced PGA led us through the ceremony, it was entertaining again. The Chairs gave awards to the two most distinguished Delegates, the best Delegate and the organizing Team: Sec Gens, CM and FM delivered very moving speeches at the end. The MUNOL aftermovie was presented and then the PGA officially closed MUNOL 2019.
Afterwards everybody said goodbye to each other and those who have the option to participate next year already look forward to returning in 2020, to experiencing the MUNOL spirit again and to having a wonderful and entertaining but also an interesting and strenuous week here in Lübeck.
Text: Franka Skuyat